Impact of Generative AI on Cybersecurity

Oakseed Ventures sponsored a panel at the Information Systems Security Association (Silicon Valley Chapter) on March 19 2024 to discuss the Impact of Generative AI on Cybersecurity. Startup panelists – Tibo, Ridge Security and SlashNext Mike Skurko, incoming president of the ISSA Silicon Valley Chapter, was the moderator.  Startup panelists were Daragh McGraph representing Tibo,...

Real-world Applications and Challenges of Generative AI in Enterprise

I had a blast organizing and moderating a second AI panel. “Real-world Applications and Challenges of Generative AI in Enterprise” jointly with Harvard Business School Association of Northern California and McKinsey. Our panelists were Brian Goffman, Associate Principal at McKinsey where he co-leads the Generative AI practice in software, Harshini Jayaram AI strategist at Distyl...

Essence of Investing

Transcribed with permission from a podcast with Next Level Communication Jonathan Rechtman Hey, everyone, and welcome to the Essence of Investing where we explore the story, strategies, wit, and wisdom of investors from across the Asia region and beyond. I’m your host, Jonathan Rechtman. My guest today is the one and only Chee-We Ng, partner...

Panelists of "Business and Society in Age of AI"

Business & Society in the Age of AI

I had the honor and privilege to organize and moderate a panel on “Business & Society in the Age of Generative AI, Large Language Models and ChatGPT” for the Harvard Business School Association of Northern California HBSANC. Our panelists were Olaf Groth – renowned author and founder of think tank Cambrian Group, Zornitsa “Zori” Kozareva...

Where are all the Enterprise Tech Unicorns?

Where are all the Enterprise Tech Unicorns? I recently had the pleasure of participating in a “Where are all the Enteprise Tech Unicorns?” panel in Slush Shanghai 2019 together with Kapil Kane and Xiangdao Wang and moderated by Matthieu Bodin.  Indeed, whereas four SaaS companies with more than $10b went public in the US this...

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